Dr. J. James Frost garners significant media attention through diverse channels, including podcasts, press releases, video interviews and blog posts which highlight the impact of research publications, emphasizing the media's role in recognizing groundbreaking work and promoting it through various platforms.
Dr. J. James Frost's scientific article, "Cancer’s Intelligence," delves into cancer's computational abilities, examining its response to oncologists, drawing parallels with poker strategies, and exploring the structure of cancer's internal computer, proposing a roadmap for future research to enhance our understanding and develop strategies against cancer's intelligence.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine's Cancer TIME program, led by Dr. J. James Frost and Dr. Shawn Lupold, achieved record enrollment with 11 students exploring cutting-edge cancer treatments through lectures on molecular therapies, game theory, and adaptive paradigms, followed by student presentations on diverse topics in cancer research, including prevention, targeted therapies, and innovative approaches like "drugging the undruggable targets."
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University explore the application of symmetry and symmetry breaking in a conceptual approach to cancer, suggesting that understanding cancer as a symmetry-breaking process could lead to innovative therapeutic strategies, as outlined in the last published work of the late Dr. Donald Coffey and colleagues Kenneth Pienta and James Frost.
Dr. J. James Frost's upcoming publication in The International Journal of Unconventional Computing explores cancer as an intelligent system of collaborating and computing cells, challenging current research limitations and advocating for paradigmatic shifts in understanding cancer's intelligence, incorporating concepts of computation, game playing, and AI to revolutionize personalized oncology.
The recently published article, "Opioid Antagonism in Humans: A Primer on Optimal Dose and Timing for Central Mu-Opioid Receptor Blockade," by a collaborative team, including Dr. J. James Frost, introduces a sophisticated pharmacokinetic algorithm based on extensive human opioid receptor imaging data, offering a refined approach to calculating doses of naloxone or naltrexone for optimal mu, delta, and kappa receptor blockade, with significant implications for clinical applications and research methodologies in opioid antagonism.
In his article "Cancer’s Intelligence," Dr. J. James Frost explores the concept of cancer's computational abilities, suggesting that cancer can predict and adapt to future environmental changes, drawing parallels to a recent paper on cellular adaptation, and raising questions about the molecular mediators of cancer's computational potential for targeted interventions.
In this Cancer Matters podcast, Dr Bill Nelson speaks with Dr J James Frost about his recent paper, 'Cancer's Intelligence,' on how the disease plots its growth in the body to overcome our efforts to stop it.
This book offers a diverse compendium of interdisciplinary perspectives on cancer, exploring its origins, developmental complexities, treatment approaches using artificial intelligence, and its role in evolution, featuring contributions from top experts in oncology, complexity theory, mathematics, and computer science.
I wrote the lead chapter, "What Cancer Is", exploring novel therapeutic insights and a deeper understanding of cancer's fundamental nature.
The optimal balance between computation and communication, highlighted by recent research on the human cortex, prompts a reconsideration of cancer's intelligence, emphasizing the need for a theoretical framework to disrupt and destroy cancer by understanding and manipulating both computational and communicative aspects.
Dr. J. James Frost's upcoming article, "Cancer’s Intelligence," explores the implications of cancer's computational abilities, drawing parallels to poker playing and emphasizing the need for a foundational understanding to develop novel measures for disrupting or reversing the cancer process.
In his recent publication "Cancer's Intelligence," Dr. J. James Frost draws parallels between human computational intelligence in games like poker and the challenges oncologists face in beating cancer, exploring the analogy of cancer potentially bluffing during dormant periods amid treatment.
The late Dr. Donald Coffey, along with Dr. James Frost and Dr. Kenneth Pienta, employs a theory of physical and biophysical symmetry to present a new conceptualization of cancer, suggesting that understanding cancer as a symmetry-breaking process could lead to innovative therapeutic strategies.
Researchers Dr. Kenneth J. Pienta and Dr. J. James Frost discuss their 2017 study, "Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking in Cancer: A Foundational Approach to the Cancer Problem," exploring the concept of broken symmetry in cancer cells and its potential for novel therapeutic approaches.
Dr. J. James Frost, formerly of Johns Hopkins Department of Radiology, praises Oncotarget's rigorous and efficient review process for their 2017 paper on "Symmetry and symmetry breaking in cancer," highlighting the stress-free online submission, excellent post-publication promotion, including a YouTube interview, cover article, press releases, and blog features, leading to significant recognition and an Altmetrics score in the top 5% of total scientific output.